To market, to market

I’m fortunate that Kane Miller has a nicely articulated marketing plan to support their new titles, but I still need to do my part to help them do their part. I’m currently working on a media contact list of local newspapers and broadcast media who might be interested to receive press releases. I’m also making a list of libraries and bookstores who might want to receive preview copies. Since the book is set in a historical era, I’ll also compile a list of historical societies and museums which might be likely to carry the book in their gift shops. This may sound easy, but I have a very long list, and I will need to look up addresses for all of them.

I have put together images and text for postcards and bookmarks, and have placed an order with a printer. I intend to send postcards to libraries and bookstores fairly soon, in the hopes of scheduling some appearances close to Kansas Day. I expect the cards and bookmarks to arrive in a couple of weeks, so I’ll need to be sure to have my contact information and scheduling details up on the site very soon.